Before i had made a basically flat plan however as i had not
created any style of magazine before i decided that for my prelim task
i would replicate an existing cover however modify it to my task. By
doing this it would help me familiarise and wise up on computer tools
whilst learning about the construction of covers. i would also try and include some of the things on my flat plan to challenge my skills.
chose a basic heat magazine front cover to base my design around
(left). On the right is my flat plan of how i would set my cover out:
For my main cover photography i would feature a sixth form pupil who is also in my media class therefore it would be ideal and easy to take photos. As well as this they would also be in their sixth form uniform which would be one of the main storys inside. I chose to have a girl on my front cover as i could include an interview inside about them wanting to become head girl etc, plus i think if this sixth form magazine existed girls would be more likely than boys to pick it up and read it. As this was my first time producing anything like this i thought that my prelinary task would be a good time to experiment with the green screen so that any mistakes i made now could be rectified for my main music task. Like i drew out in my flat plan i wanted the image to be outweighed on the one side and cropped off so that it wasn't a full body. Here is the best image i took with the green screen, i then used photoshop lasoo and paint bucket tool to eliminate the green background then copy and pasted it onto publisher, to finish i used the trandparent tool so that the background dissapeared.
After i did that i placed
the image onto the square in the plan above which said 'main cover
story' i positioned my masthead which i had already designed just above
the image and stretched it so that it was the whole width of the
magazine. In the small blue box on the left side of the magazine i
wrote 'PROM exclusive pics inside'. After
that i added 2 images i took from prom, and it the top left corner i
added the school's sixth form badge to highlight the target audience. I
also added text to the main image with an exclusive banner and
exclamation mark next to it. For the finishing touches i completed the sloped black square shape (which also featured in my flatplan). In it i wrote 'SAVE YOUR MONEY, GREAT STUDENT DISCOUNT OFFERS' i put this in capitals and at the top of the magazine as it would be one of the first things a reader would see. I thought it was essential to include as students often want to spend money but have little of it so this would appeal to them. Here is the finished product:
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